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Dissatisfaction and Departures

Tracing the Decline to 37 Empty Badges

Police Vacancies affect the entire department

By the numbers

Vacancies April 2022
Vacancies March 2023
Vacancies April 2024
Departures in 1 yr
Retirements 1yr
0 +
Applications Currently Pending
positions filled of the 10 budgeted Officers
0 +
Potential Vacancies by year end
0 %
Shortage of Officers
0 %
shortage in patrol division
0 %
Believe that Department does not treat officers fairly
0 %
Extremey poor & Below Average Morale
Public Safety was Ignored and downplayed for 2 years by Disconnected Leadership

Pay close attention to the dates

Now The Coral Gables Police Department Faces 37 Vacancies With No Plan to Fix.

Part 1: April 6, 2022
The Warning Ignored
Part 2: March 14, 2023
Disconnected leadership - A Year Later
Part 3: March 12, 2024
From 0 to 37 Vacancies in 2 years
The Unheard Plea:
The City Beautiful's Police Department in Crisis

At the Heart of Coral Gables’ Safety & Community Well-being

  • Unmatched Service: Year after year, our officers receive high marks for fast response times and maintaining low crime rates. Our dedication to Coral Gables is unwavering.
  • A Growing Concern: Despite our successes, we face internal challenges that threaten the quality of service you’ve come to expect:

    • Competitive Disadvantage: Our officers’ pay remains lower than that of neighboring agencies, making it difficult to retain our trained and committed personnel.
    • Rising Departures: In the past year alone, 28 officers have left for better-paying positions elsewhere. Additionally, 9 seasoned officers have retired, totaling 37 vacancies.
    • Morale at Risk: With more officers considering departure due to financial constraints and questionable leadership, morale within our ranks is at an all-time low.
  • Negotiations Stalled: Despite ongoing negotiations, the city’s initial offer falls short of making our department competitive. This stagnation risks the quality of policing and safety in Coral Gables.
  • The Coral Gables Expectation: We understand and share the high expectations of our community. However, without fair compensation, our officers feel undervalued, leading to a cycle of departure and dwindling applicant numbers.

  • A Call to Action: We are committed to serving and protecting Coral Gables. To continue doing so, we need your support. Engage with city leaders to advocate for fair compensation for our police officers. Together, we can ensure the long-term safety and security of our community.